Must-Try Pear Butter Recipe Slow Cooker – Easy & Delicious

Must-Try Pear Butter Recipe Slow Cooker – Easy & Delicious

Many people think that making fruit spreads like pear butter requires hours of constant attention and complicated steps. But guess what? That’s just a myth! Making pear butter recipe slow cooker doesn’t have to be a daunting task. In fact, using a slow cooker makes the process incredibly easy and almost foolproof.

What is Pear Butter?

Pear butter is a bit like apple butter but made with ripe, juicy pears instead. It’s a thick, creamy spread that you can slather on toast, mix into yogurt, or even use as a topping for pancakes and waffles.

Unlike jams or jellies, pear butter has a more concentrated fruit flavor and a smoother texture. It’s perfect for adding a touch of sweetness to your breakfast or even for enhancing savory dishes.

Why Make Pear Butter Recipe Slow Cooker?

Here are some reasons to make pear butter recipe slow cooker.

Ease of Use

One of the biggest advantages of making pear butter in a slow cooker is how easy it is. Seriously, it’s almost like magic. All you have to do is prep your pears, toss them in the slow cooker with a few other ingredients, and let it do its thing. You can go about your day without worrying about stirring or watching a pot on the stove.

Using a slow cooker means you can set it to a low temperature and let the pears cook down slowly over several hours.

Flavor Development

When you make pear butter on the stove, you often have to cook it at a higher temperature, which can sometimes lead to a burnt taste if you’re not careful. The slow cooker, on the other hand, cooks the pears gently over a longer period. This slow cooking process helps to break down the pears completely, releasing their natural sugars and enhancing their flavor.


One of the coolest things about making pear butter in a slow cooker is the versatility it offers. You’re not just limited to a basic recipe. You can experiment with different spices and flavorings to create your own unique version. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Spiced Pear Butter: Add cinnamon, cloves, and a bit of nutmeg for a warm, cozy flavor that’s perfect for fall.
  • Vanilla Pear Butter: A splash of vanilla extract can add a lovely depth of flavor and a hint of sweetness.
  • No-Sugar-Added Pear Butter: If you’re watching your sugar intake, you can make a delicious pear butter without any added sugar. The natural sweetness of the pears is often enough, especially if you let them cook down for a long time.

Choosing the Right Pears for Your Pear Butter

Choosing the right pears for the pear butter recipe slow cooker is the most important part.

Pears for Pear Butter Recipe Slow Cooker

Best Pear Varieties for Butter

When it comes to making the perfect pear butter, the type of pear you choose matters a lot. Not all pears are created equal, and some are definitely better suited for slow cooker recipes than others. Here’s a quick guide to help you pick the best pears for your homemade pear butter.

Bartlett Pears:

These are the classic choices for pear butter. Bartlett pears are juicy, sweet, and have a soft texture that breaks down beautifully when cooked. They’re easy to find in most grocery stores and are perfect for making a smooth, flavorful spread.

Bosc Pears:

If you prefer a pear with a firmer texture and a bit more complexity in flavor, Bosc pears are a great choice. They hold their shape well during cooking, which can add a nice texture to your pear butter if you like it a bit chunkier. Plus, their natural sweetness means you can use less added sugar, making for a healthier pear butter.

Anjou Pears:

Anjou pears, whether green or red, are another excellent option. They’re slightly firmer than Bartlett pears but still quite juicy. Their mild, sweet flavor makes them a versatile choice for pear butter, especially if you’re planning to add spices like cinnamon or vanilla.

Comice Pears:

Known for their super sweet and buttery texture, Comice pears are perfect for creating an exceptionally smooth and rich pear butter. They can be a bit harder to find, but if you come across them, they’re worth trying out for a special batch of pear butter.

Asian Pears:

While not as common for making pear butter, Asian pears can add a unique flavor and crunch to your spread. They’re firmer and less sweet than other varieties, so they’re best used in combination with a sweeter pear to balance out the flavors.

Tips for Selecting Pears

Once you’ve decided on the type of pear, the next step is to select the best fruit. Here are some tips to help you choose pears that will yield the tastiest pear butter:

Check for Ripeness:

The key to a delicious pear butter is using ripe pears. A ripe pear will give slightly when pressed near the stem. Avoid pears that are too hard, as they may not break down properly during cooking. On the other hand, overly soft or bruised pears can lead to a mushy texture and an off taste.

Smell the Pears:

Ripe pears should have a pleasant, fruity aroma. If a pear smells sweet and fragrant, it’s likely to be full of flavor. If you can’t detect much scent, the pear may not be fully ripe yet.

Look for Smooth Skin:

Choose pears with smooth, unblemished skin. While a few small imperfections are okay (and will be blended into the butter anyway), avoid pears with large bruises or cuts, as these can affect the taste and texture of your pear butter.

Consider Organic:

If possible, opt for organic pears. Since you’ll be cooking the pears with the skin on for extra fiber and nutrients, it’s best to choose organic fruit to minimize exposure to pesticides.

Preparing Your Pears

Now that you’ve got your pears, it’s time to prep them for the slow cooker. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get your pears ready:

Wash and Dry:

Start by washing your pears thoroughly under cool running water. Even if they’re organic, it’s a good idea to give them a rinse to remove any dirt or residues. Dry them off with a clean towel.

Peel, Core, and Chop:

Depending on the texture you prefer for your pear butter, you can either peel the pears or leave the skins on. Peeling them will give you a smoother butter while leaving the skins on adds extra fiber and nutrients. Core the pears to remove the seeds and tough centers, then chop them into even-sized pieces to ensure they cook evenly in the slow cooker.

Add Some Acid:

To prevent your pears from browning while you prep the rest of your ingredients, toss the chopped pieces with a little lemon juice. This not only keeps them looking fresh but also adds a nice tang to the pear butter, balancing the sweetness.

Ready for the Slow Cooker:

Once your pears are prepped, they’re ready to go into the slow cooker along with any other ingredients you’re using, like spices or sweeteners.

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Guide to Making Pear Butter Recipe Slow Cooker

Here is the step-by-step guide for the pear butter recipe slow cooker.

Must-Try Pear Butter Recipe Slow Cooker

Ingredients Needed

Before we start the cooking process, let’s gather all the ingredients you’ll need to make a delicious batch of pear butter. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Pears: Around 5-6 pounds of ripe pears, preferably Bartlett, Bosc, or Anjou.
  • Sugar or Honey: About 1 cup, depending on your taste preference and the sweetness of the pears. You can also opt for natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup for a healthier version.
  • Spices: 1-2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon, 1/4 teaspoon of ground cloves, and optionally a splash of vanilla extract for extra depth of flavor.
  • Lemon Juice: 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice to add a bit of acidity and to help preserve the color and flavor.
  • Salt: A pinch of salt to enhance the overall taste.

Feel free to adjust these ingredients to suit your taste. If you prefer a spicier pear butter, you can add more cinnamon or even experiment with nutmeg or ginger.

Preparation Steps

Now that we have our ingredients, let’s move on to the preparation steps. This process is simple and straightforward, making it perfect for anyone who’s new to making homemade preserves.

1. Prepping the Pears

Start by washing the pears thoroughly under running water. Even if you’re using organic pears, it’s important to remove any dirt or residues. Once they’re clean, peel them (if you prefer a smoother butter) and then core and chop the pears into small chunks. The smaller the pieces, the quicker they’ll break down in the slow cooker.

2. Setting Up the Slow Cooker

Place the chopped pears into the slow cooker. Add your choice of sweetener—whether it’s sugar, honey, or a sugar substitute. Sprinkle in the spices and add the lemon juice and a pinch of salt. Stir everything together to ensure the pears are well-coated with the spices and sweetener.

3. Cooking Time

Set your slow cooker to low and cook the mixture for 8-10 hours. Yes, it’s a long time, but trust me, the slow and steady approach is what makes the flavors develop so beautifully. If you’re in a hurry, you can set the slow cooker to high and cook for 4-5 hours, but the low and slow method is worth the wait for the best flavor.

4. Blending the Butter

After the cooking time is up, your pears should be soft and fragrant. Use an immersion blender to blend the mixture right in the slow cooker until it’s smooth and creamy. If you don’t have an immersion blender, you can transfer the mixture to a regular blender in batches, but be careful as it will be very hot.

If you like your pear butter a bit chunkier, you can blend it less or even leave some pieces unblended for added texture.

Tips for Perfect Pear Butter

Getting the perfect pear butter is all about fine-tuning the details. Here are some tips to help you get the best results:

Adjust Sweetness to Taste

The amount of sweetener you need can vary depending on the natural sweetness of your pears and your personal preference. Start with a smaller amount and add more if needed after the initial cooking period. Remember, you can always add more sweetener, but you can’t take it away once it’s mixed in.

How to Thicken If Needed

If your pear butter turns out a bit too runny, you can thicken it by removing the lid from the slow cooker and letting it cook for an additional hour on high. This will allow some of the liquid to evaporate, thickening the butter. Alternatively, you can simmer it on the stove over low heat, stirring frequently until it reaches the desired consistency.

Storage Tips

Once your pear butter has cooled down, transfer it to clean, airtight jars. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks or frozen for up to 6 months. If you want to store it for a longer period, you can also use the water bath canning method. This way, you can enjoy your homemade pear butter all year round!

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Spicing Up Your Pear Butter

Here’s how you can take your pear butter recipe slow cooker to the next level with some delicious variations.

Classic Spiced Pear Butter

Spices can transform your basic pear butter into a warm, aromatic spread that’s perfect for fall and winter. The classic combination of cinnamon and cloves adds a cozy, comforting flavor that pairs beautifully with the natural sweetness of the pears.

Ingredients for Spiced Pear Butter:

  • 5-6 pounds of ripe pears
  • 1 cup of sugar or honey
  • 2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon of ground cloves
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • A pinch of salt


  1. Prepare the Pears: Wash, peel, core, and chop the pears into chunks.
  2. Combine Ingredients: Add the pears, sugar, cinnamon, cloves, lemon juice, and salt into the slow cooker. Stir to combine.
  3. Cook: Set your slow cooker to low and cook for 8-10 hours, or until the pears are very soft.
  4. Blend: Use an immersion blender to blend the mixture until smooth.
  5. Taste and Adjust: Taste the pear butter and adjust the spices or sweetness if needed.

This spiced pear butter is perfect on toast, stirred into oatmeal, or even served with a cheese platter. It’s a versatile spread that adds a touch of warmth and spice to any dish.

Vanilla Pear Butter

Vanilla adds a rich, creamy flavor to pear butter that enhances its natural sweetness and gives it a gourmet touch. This version is especially good for desserts and can even be used as a filling for pastries or cakes.

Ingredients for Vanilla Pear Butter:

  • 5-6 pounds of ripe pears
  • 1 cup of sugar or honey
  • 1-2 teaspoons of vanilla extract or one vanilla bean, split and seeds scraped out
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • A pinch of salt


  1. Prepare the Pears: Wash, peel, core, and chop the pears into chunks.
  2. Combine Ingredients: Add the pears, sugar, vanilla extract or seeds, lemon juice, and salt into the slow cooker. Stir to combine.
  3. Cook: Set your slow cooker to low and cook for 8-10 hours, or until the pears are very soft.
  4. Blend: Use an immersion blender to blend the mixture until smooth.
  5. Taste and Adjust: Taste the pear butter and add more vanilla if you’d like a stronger flavor.

Vanilla pear butter is incredibly versatile. Try spreading it on pancakes, mixing it into yogurt, or using it as a filling for crepes. The vanilla adds a sweet, aromatic note that makes this pear butter truly special.

No-Sugar-Added Pear Butter

If you’re looking to reduce your sugar intake or prefer a more natural sweetener, you can easily make a no-sugar-added version of pear butter. The natural sweetness of ripe pears is usually enough, but you can also use a touch of honey or maple syrup if you need a bit more sweetness.

Ingredients for No-Sugar-Added Pear Butter:

  • 5-6 pounds of ripe pears
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • 1-2 tablespoons of honey or maple syrup (optional)
  • Spices like cinnamon or vanilla extract (optional)
  • A pinch of salt


  1. Prepare the Pears: Wash, peel, core, and chop the pears into chunks.
  2. Combine Ingredients: Add the pears, lemon juice, optional sweetener, and salt into the slow cooker. If you’re adding spices, mix them in now too.
  3. Cook: Set your slow cooker to low and cook for 8-10 hours, or until the pears are very soft.
  4. Blend: Use an immersion blender to blend the mixture until smooth.
  5. Taste and Adjust: Taste the pear butter and adjust the sweetness or spices if needed.

This no-sugar-added pear butter recipe slow cooker is perfect for those who are looking to keep their sugar levels in check without sacrificing flavor. It’s great for spreading on whole-grain toast or mixing into a bowl of hot oatmeal.

Experimenting with Flavors

One of the best things about making pear butter is the endless possibilities for flavor combinations. Here are a few ideas to inspire you:

  • Pear and Apple Butter: Combine pears and apples for a delicious mixed fruit spread that’s perfect for fall.
  • Ginger Pear Butter: Add a tablespoon of freshly grated ginger for a spicy kick that complements the sweetness of the pears.
  • Chai Spiced Pear Butter: Mix in chai spices like cardamom, cloves, and a touch of black pepper for a warming, aromatic spread.
  • Cranberry Pear Butter: Add a cup of fresh or dried cranberries for a tart twist on your pear butter. This version is perfect for the holidays and pairs wonderfully with turkey or ham.

Don’t be afraid to get creative with your pear butter. The slow cooker makes it easy to experiment with different flavors and create a spread that’s uniquely yours.

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Creative Uses for Pear Butter

Let’s explore some creative ways to use the pear butter recipe slow cooker in your kitchen.

Must-Try Pear Butter Recipe Slow Cooker – healthyesta

As a Spread

Classic Spread: The most straightforward use of pear butter is as a spread on bread, toast, or crackers. Its sweet and fruity flavor makes it a delightful topping for breakfast or a snack. You can enjoy it on its own or paired with a layer of butter or cream cheese for added richness.

With Nut Butters: For a protein-packed snack, try spreading pear butter on a slice of whole-grain bread and topping it with your favorite nut butter, like almond or peanut butter. The combination of the sweet pear and the savory nut butter is irresistible and makes for a quick and nutritious breakfast or snack.

With Cheeses: Pear butter pairs wonderfully with a variety of cheeses. Spread it on crackers and top with a slice of sharp cheddar, or use it as a sweet complement to a cheese platter. The contrast of the sweet and tangy flavors makes it a hit at any gathering.

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In Baking

Muffins and Cakes: Add a spoonful of pear butter to your muffin or cake batter for extra moisture and a subtle pear flavor. It works particularly well in spice cakes, carrot cakes, and bran muffins. Just reduce the sugar in your recipe slightly to balance out the added sweetness from the pear butter.

Cookies and Bars: Use pear butter as a filling for cookies or bars. It’s a great substitute for other fruit spreads and adds a unique flavor to your baked goods. Try it in thumbprint cookies or layered between shortbread bars for a delicious treat.

Quick Breads: Pear butter can be swirled into quick bread batter, like banana bread, pumpkin bread, or garlic bread, for a flavorful twist. It adds moisture and a hint of sweetness that elevates the overall taste of the bread.

Cooking and Sauces

Glazes for Meats: Pear butter makes an excellent glaze for meats like pork, chicken, or turkey. Brush it on during the last few minutes of cooking for a caramelized, flavorful coating. It pairs especially well with pork chops or holiday ham, adding a sweet and savory touch that enhances the natural flavors of the meat.

Marinades: Incorporate pear butter into marinades for a hint of sweetness and depth of flavor. Combine it with soy sauce, garlic, and ginger for a tasty marinade for chicken or tofu. The natural sugars in the pear butter help to tenderize the meat while imparting a delicious flavor.

Sauces and Dips: Mix pear butter into sauces or use it as a base for dipping sauces. It works well in barbecue sauces, adding a sweet and tangy element. For a quick and easy dip, combine pear butter with mustard or horseradish and serve with pretzels or crudités.

Breakfast Ideas

Pancakes and Waffles: Instead of maple syrup, top your pancakes or waffles with a dollop of pear butter. It’s a healthier option and adds a burst of fruit flavor. Pair it with a sprinkle of cinnamon or a handful of nuts for a delicious breakfast.

Oatmeal and Yogurt: Stir pear butter into your morning oatmeal or yogurt for a sweet and fruity boost. It blends well with a variety of toppings, like nuts, seeds, or fresh fruit, making for a nutritious and tasty start to your day.

Smoothies: Add a spoonful of pear butter to your smoothies for added flavor and natural sweetness. It pairs well with ingredients like bananas, spinach, and almond milk, creating a creamy and delicious drink that’s perfect for breakfast or a post-workout snack.


Ice Cream Topping: Use pear butter as a topping for ice cream or frozen yogurt. Its smooth texture and sweet flavor complement vanilla, caramel, or even chocolate ice cream. You can also warm it up slightly before drizzling it over your favorite frozen treat for a comforting and decadent dessert.

Pies and Tarts: Pear butter can be used as a filling for pies and tarts, either on its own or combined with other fruits. It adds a unique flavor to apple or pear pies and makes a delicious base for a fruit tart topped with fresh berries or sliced pears.

Cheesecake: Swirl pear butter into cheesecake batter before baking for a fruity twist on a classic dessert. You can also use it as a topping for baked cheesecake, adding a layer of sweetness and flavor that perfectly complements the creamy, rich filling.

Savory Dishes

Sandwiches and Wraps: Spread pear butter on sandwiches or wraps for a touch of sweetness. It pairs well with savory ingredients like turkey, ham, or grilled vegetables, adding a delicious contrast of flavors. Try it in a turkey and cheese wrap or a ham and Swiss sandwich for a tasty lunch option.

Stuffed Vegetables: Mix pear butter into the filling for stuffed vegetables like bell peppers or squash. It adds moisture and a subtle sweetness that enhances the flavor of the stuffing. Combine it with ingredients like rice, quinoa, or ground meat for a delicious and healthy meal.

Soups and Stews: Stir a spoonful of pear butter into soups or stews for added depth of flavor. It works well in butternut squash soup, carrot ginger soup, or any dish that could benefit from a touch of sweetness and complexity.

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Storage and Preservation of Pear Butter

Here’s how you can store and preserve your homemade pear butter recipe slow cooker to keep it fresh and flavorful.

Short-Term Storage: Refrigerator

For immediate use, you can store pear butter in the refrigerator. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Cooling Down: Allow your pear butter to cool completely at room temperature after cooking.
  2. Using Clean Containers: Transfer the cooled pear butter into clean, airtight jars or containers. Mason jars work great for this.
  3. Labeling: Label the jars with the date so you can keep track of how long they’ve been stored.
  4. Refrigeration: Store the jars in the refrigerator. Properly stored, pear butter will keep for about 2 to 3 weeks in the fridge.

This method is perfect if you plan to use your pear butter in the near future. It’s also convenient for those who like to have a ready-to-use spread for their morning toast or desserts.

Long-Term Storage: Freezing

If you’ve made a large batch and want to keep it for longer, freezing is an excellent option:

  1. Prepare the Pear Butter: Make sure the pear butter is completely cooled before you start.
  2. Use Freezer-Safe Containers: Place the pear butter in freezer-safe containers or heavy-duty freezer bags. Leave about an inch of space at the top of the containers to allow for expansion as the pear butter freezes.
  3. Label and Date: Label the containers with the contents and the date.
  4. Freeze: Store the containers in the freezer. Pear butter can last up to 6 months in the freezer without losing its flavor.

This method is ideal for those who want to enjoy pear butter throughout the year without worrying about it going bad.

Canning: Water Bath Method

For those interested in preserving pear butter for extended periods, canning is the way to go. Here’s how to do it using the water bath method:

  1. Sterilize the Jars: Start by sterilizing your canning jars and lids in boiling water. This ensures that any bacteria are killed and your jars are safe for long-term storage.
  2. Fill the Jars: Pour the hot pear butter into the sterilized jars, leaving about 1/4 inch of headspace at the top. Wipe the rims of the jars with a clean cloth to remove any residue.
  3. Seal the Jars: Place the lids on the jars and screw on the bands until they are fingertip tight.
  4. Process in Water Bath: Place the jars in a water bath canner and ensure they are completely covered with water. Bring the water to a boil and process the jars for about 10 minutes. The processing time may vary depending on your altitude.
  5. Cool and Store: Remove the jars from the water bath and let them cool at room temperature. Once cooled, check the seals by pressing the center of each lid. If it doesn’t pop back, the jar is sealed properly. Store the sealed jars in a cool, dark place. Properly canned pear butter can last up to a year.

Canning is a great method if you want to keep your pear butter in the pantry and have it available for use without needing refrigeration or freezing.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When storing pear butter, avoid these common mistakes to ensure the best quality:

  • Not Using Clean Containers: Always use clean, sterilized jars or containers to prevent contamination.
  • Overfilling Jars: Leave enough headspace in jars when freezing to allow for expansion.
  • Improper Sealing: Ensure jars are sealed properly to avoid spoilage during long-term storage.
  • Ignoring Labels: Always label your jars with the date to keep track of their age and freshness.

By following these storage methods, you can enjoy your pear butter long after making it, ensuring that every spoonful is as delicious as the first.

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Is Pear Butter Healthier Than Pear Jam?

In most cases, pear butter is the healthier choice when compared to pear jam. Compared to pear jam, it usually has less added sugar and fewer calories per serving, thus people watching their sugar consumption or controlling their weight might choose it instead.

Furthermore, because pear butter uses the entire fruit, it maintains more fiber, which improves digestive health and promotes a fuller sensation. Pear butter provides a delectable and healthy substitute for pear jam, allowing you to enjoy the sweet taste of pears with fewer downsides due to its lower glycemic index and fewer additives.

Whether you choose pear butter or pear jam, both can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet. Consider making your own at home to control the ingredients and enjoy the freshest, most natural flavors possible.

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In conclusion, making pear butter recipe slow cooker is not only a convenient and hands-off method but also yields delicious results packed with flavor. By combining ripe pears with a hint of sweetness and spices and letting them simmer slowly, you create a luscious spread that captures the essence of the fruit. The slow cooking process allows the flavors to intensify and develop, resulting in a rich and aromatic pear butter that can elevate a variety of dishes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some of the most common questions about pear butter to help you along the way.

How Long Does Pear Butter Last?

Pear butter will last about 2 to 3 weeks in the fridge when stored in a clean, airtight container. Always check for signs of spoilage before using. When frozen properly, pear butter can last up to 6 months without losing its quality. Ensure you use freezer-safe containers and label them with the date of freezing.

Can I Use Other Fruits with Pears?

Yes, you can! Pear butter can be made with a variety of fruits for a unique flavor. Apples are a popular choice to combine with pears, creating a delicious apple-pear butter. Other fruits like cranberries or peaches can also be added for a different twist. Just adjust the sweetness and cooking time as needed to accommodate the additional fruit.

What If My Pear Butter Is Too Thin?

If your pear butter turns out too thin, don’t worry—it’s easy to fix. You can continue to cook it on the stove over low heat, stirring frequently, until it thickens to your desired consistency. Alternatively, you can cook it uncovered in the slow cooker for an additional hour or so on high to allow more moisture to evaporate.

How Can I Make My Pear Butter Smoother?

For a smoother texture, you can blend the pear butter more thoroughly using an immersion blender or a regular blender. Make sure to blend in small batches and be careful as the mixture will be hot. If you prefer an extra-smooth texture, you can also strain the pear butter through a fine-mesh sieve to remove any remaining pulp.

How Do I Know If My Pear Butter Has Spoiled?

Spoiled pear butter will have an off smell, mold growth, or a change in color or texture. Always check for these signs before using it. If you notice any mold or an unpleasant odor, it’s best to discard the pear butter to avoid any risk of foodborne illness.

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